


本政策描述了我们通过 https://seo.kuaijing.cn(我们的“网站”)、软件、平台和(与网站一起称为“服务”“服务”)收集、使用、维护、保护和披露您的信息的做法。




本服务面向普通用户,面向 18 岁及以上的用户。我们不会故意收集任何未满 18 岁的人的个人信息。





  • 个人信息在我们的网站上注册、填写联系表格和使用我们的服务的过程中,我们可能会要求或以其他方式收集将您识别为特定个人并可用于联系或识别您的信息(“个人信息”)。我们为此目的收集的个人信息示例包括您的全名、用户名、电话号码和电子邮件地址。
  • 公司信息如果您将我们的服务与雇主或企业一起使用,我们可能会要求您提供公司名称和电子邮件地址。
  • 付款信息我们还可能收集您的付款信息,例如信用卡、账单地址以及购买或以其他方式使用我们的服务所需的其他财务信息。通过提交您的付款信息,您同意我们向授权的第三方服务提供商提供您的付款信息,以支持和处理您的交易以及您的信用卡发卡机构和银行机构。
  • 付款信息我们还可能收集您的付款信息,例如信用卡、账单地址以及购买或以其他方式使用我们的服务所需的其他财务信息。通过提交您的付款信息,您同意我们向授权的第三方服务提供商提供您的付款信息,以支持和处理您的交易以及您的信用卡发卡机构和银行机构。
  • 音频和视频信息您可以上传音频和视频内容作为视频生成的数据源。
  • 个人资料信息当您创建个人资料时,您可以提交与您的个人资料和通信首选项相关的首选项。
  • 非识别信息我们还可能收集非识别性或非个人信息,例如邮政编码、人口统计数据、时区、公开数据以及有关您使用服务的一般信息。
  • 用户贡献您可能能够与我们网站的某些部分进行交互,例如通过我们的联系表格提交查询或提交您自己的语音和视频数据以创建您自己的头像。您的反馈将发布或显示在本网站的公共区域,或传输给本网站的其他用户或第三方(统称为“用户贡献”)。您的用户贡献将发布并传输给他人,风险由您自行承担。尽管您可以通过登录您的帐户个人资料为此类信息设置某些隐私设置,但请注意,没有任何安全措施是完美或不可穿透的。此外,我们无法控制您可能选择与之分享您的用户贡献的网站其他用户的行为。因此,我们不能也不保证您的用户贡献不会被未经授权的人员查看或访问。在网上发布任何个人信息时要小心谨慎。请查看我们的使用条款,了解有关我们的用户指南的更多信息。




  • 使用信息 您访问我们网站的详细信息,包括您点击了哪些链接、内容响应时间、位置数据、日志以及其他类似的通信数据和有关您互动的统计数据。
  • 设备信息 有关您的计算机和 Internet 连接的信息,包括您的 Internet 协议地址、操作系统和浏览器类型。




  • cookies与许多网站一样,我们和我们的运营合作伙伴、关联公司、分析和服务提供商使用“cookie”来收集信息。Cookie是一个小型数据文件,我们将其传输到您计算机的硬盘上,以保存记录。我们使用保留在您的计算机或类似设备上的持久性 cookie(例如保存您的注册 ID 和登录密码以备将来登录服务,并跟踪您对 kuaijing 使用条款的遵守情况)和会话 ID cookie,这些 cookie 在您的浏览器会话结束时过期(例如,启用服务的某些功能, 更好地了解 kuaijing 用户如何与服务交互,并监控 kuaijing 用户的汇总使用情况和服务上的 Web 流量路由)。您可以在单个浏览器级别控制 cookie 的使用,但如果您选择禁用 cookie,则可能会限制您对服务的某些特性或功能的使用。
  • 网络信标我们和我们的运营合作伙伴、关联公司、分析和服务提供商也可能使用称为“网络信标”和/或“跟踪标签”的软件技术来帮助我们跟踪我们服务上的哪些内容是有效的,并向您提供相关广告。网络信标是具有唯一标识符的小型图形,您可能不可见,用于跟踪互联网用户的在线活动。Web 信标嵌入在您查看的网页或您收到的电子邮件中。网络信标或类似技术可用于多种目的,包括但不限于计算我们服务的访问者、监控 kuaijing 用户如何浏览服务、计算实际打开的发送电子邮件数量,或计算实际查看的特定文章或链接数量。
  • 嵌入式脚本我们和我们的运营合作伙伴、关联公司、分析和服务提供商也可能使用称为嵌入式脚本的软件技术。嵌入式脚本是一种编程代码,旨在收集有关您与服务的交互的信息,例如您点击的链接。该代码会暂时下载到您的计算机或其他设备上,并在您断开与服务的连接时停用或删除。





您可以直接通过服务注册加入服务,也可以通过我们的服务(例如,Facebook、Twitter 和其他允许您使用现有凭据登录这些服务的第三方服务)登录第三方社交网络服务(“SNS”)注册加入服务。如果您选择通过 SNS 注册,或稍后将您在本服务的帐户链接到您在 SNS 中的帐户,我们将使用您提供给 SNS 的个人信息(例如您的姓名、电子邮件地址、性别和您通过 SNS 公开的其他信息)来创建您的帐户。请注意,我们从 SNS 收集的信息或通过 SNS 收集的信息可能取决于您在 SNS 中设置的隐私设置,以及您授予我们的权限,以便将您与服务的帐户链接到您的 SNS 帐户。除了我们可能与SNS共享的内容如下所述外,SNS拥有的关于您的个人信息是由独立于我们的服务的SNS获取的,kuaijing对此概不负责。


kuaijing 使用第三方供应商重定向跟踪 Cookie、像素和其他技术(如 Google Ads、Facebook Custom Audience 和 Hotjar)来收集有关您的活动的数据,这些数据在您访问我们的网站、我们为其提供广告的实体网站或我们展示广告的网站和在线服务时不会识别您的个人身份。这些信息可能包括您查看的内容、您查看此内容的日期和时间、您购买的产品或与您的 IP 地址关联的位置信息。我们使用收集到的信息为您提供更相关的广告(称为“重定向”或“再营销”)。我们收集有关您在哪里看到我们为您提供的广告以及您点击了哪些广告的信息,以衡量我们广告活动的成功与否。

If you do not wish to participate in third-party Retargeting or Remarketing, you can find out more information about how to opt-out by visiting the links below:

通常,您可以通过访问 NAI 网站(访问此处)和 DAA 网站(访问此处)上的选择退出页面,选择不接收来自第三方广告商和广告网络的个性化广告,这些广告商和广告网络是网络广告促进会 (NAI) 的成员,或者遵循数字广告联盟的在线行为广告 (DAA) 自律原则。


请勿跟踪 (DNT) 是用户可以在某些 Web 浏览器中设置的隐私首选项,允许用户选择退出网站和在线服务的跟踪。我们不尊重不在线跟踪的浏览器请求(称为“请勿跟踪”),但我们上面的 cookie 政策描述了您如何选择不接收 cookie。



  • 为您提供一个帐户。
  • 交付、提供和处理您请求的产品或服务的付款。
  • 改善我们的服务。
  • 解决您的疑问。
  • 为了定制我们向您展示和提供的内容,我们可能会在服务和在线其他地方向您展示。
  • 管理和发展我们与您以及您所代表的公司或其他法律实体(如适用)的业务关系。
  • 向您传达和推广 kuaijing 提供的产品、服务、优惠和活动
  • 遵守法律要求并协助执法。
  • 调查欺诈行为并执行我们的使用条款。
  • 保护kuaijing或第三方的财产权。
  • 保护公众或任何人的安全。
  • 停止任何我们认为是非法、欺诈、不道德或法律上可起诉的活动,或构成非法、欺诈、不道德或法律上可起诉的活动。
  • 识别 kuaijing 用户。
  • 用于您提供信息时披露的目的,以及
  • 在您同意的情况下。



  • 合同必要性为您提供kuaijing服务并履行您与我们签订的合同。
  • 合法权益 改进和分析我们的服务、推广我们的产品、防止欺诈易、维护我们服务的安全性以及提供功能符合我们的合法利益。
  • 同意 在我们征求同意的情况下,您可以随时通过联系我们撤回您的同意。请参阅“联系我们”部分或更多信息。



  • 与我们的服务提供商和网络合作伙伴一起,我们雇用第三方公司和个人代表我们提供服务,执行与服务相关的操作(例如,但不限于SNS登录,维护服务,数据库管理,网络分析,支付处理,欺诈检测和改进kuaijing的功能)或协助我们分析我们的服务是如何使用的。这些第三方可能会访问您的个人信息,以便代表我们执行这些任务。
  • 与其他用户一起 我们可能会使用您的信息,以便在每个用户同意的情况下实现用户与用户之间的通信。如果启用,其他用户可能能够看到您提交的信息。
  • 对于公司交易,kuaijing 可能会与任何当前或未来的子公司或关联公司共享信息,包括个人信息,主要用于业务和运营目的。我们可能会出售、转让或以其他方式共享我们的部分或全部资产,包括您的个人信息,与资产的合并、收购、重组或出售有关(包括,在每种情况下,作为与任何潜在收购实体的尽职调查过程的一部分)或破产。
  • 当法律要求时,kuaijing将根据法律要求与政府机构共享信息,以响应公共当局的合法要求,包括满足国家安全或执法要求,包括但不限于与报告收入有关的信息。我们与政府和执法官员以及私人团体合作,以执行和遵守法律。我们将自行决定向政府或执法官员或私人方披露有关您的信息,以回应索赔和法律程序(包括但不限于传票),或者应政府当局或其他进行调查的第三方的要求,我们自行决定披露是必要的 (a) 保护 kuaijing 或第三方的财产和权利一方,(b) 保护公众或任何人的安全,或 (c) 防止或停止我们可能认为是非法、欺诈、不道德或法律上可起诉的活动,或构成非法、欺诈、不道德或法律诉讼风险的活动。我们还可能使用设备标识符来识别 kuaijing 用户,并可能自行决定与第三方合作。
  • 征得您的同意您可以通过网站上的表格向我们提交个人信息,并同意根据表格中的信息接收我们或我们的业务关联公司和非关联公司的通信。



  • 帐户设置注册的kuaijing用户可以通过您的在线帐户设置更新他们对您从我们这里收到的通信类型的选择。
  • 电子邮件您也可以按照这些电子邮件中提供的退出说明选择不接收我们的营销电子邮件。请注意,我们保留通过电子邮件和其他方式向您发送与您的帐户或服务使用相关的某些通信(例如,管理和服务公告)的权利,如果您选择不接收营销通信,这些交易帐户消息可能不受影响。
  • 访问权、更正权(更正)、删除权和退出方式权根据您所在的位置,您可能对您的个人信息拥有某些权利。例如,根据GDPR(通用数据保护条例),欧洲居民可以通过 support@kuaijing.cn 与我们联系,以访问、更正、更新或删除您的个人信息;反对我们处理这些信息,要求我们限制我们对您个人信息的处理,或要求您的个人信息可移植性。
  • 根据要求,kuaijing 将向您提供有关我们是否持有您的任何个人信息的信息。您有责任维护您提交给我们的信息的准确性,例如您的联系信息。您可以通过在帐户设置中更新您的个人信息或联系 kuaijing 来访问、更正或请求删除您的个人信息。如果您要求访问您提交的所有个人信息,我们将在 30 天内或法律另有要求的情况下回复您的访问请求。
  • 我们将尽商业上合理的努力来满足您的删除请求;但是,即使您关闭帐户,某些残留信息仍可能主动保留在服务上。此外,上述权利可能会受到限制,例如,如果满足您的请求会泄露他人的个人信息,或者如果您要求我们删除法律要求我们保留的信息或具有令人信服的合法利益(例如出于防止欺诈目的)。在法律允许的范围内,您的个人信息可能会保留在我们的档案中,您更新或删除的信息或已关闭帐户中的信息可能会在内部保留,以用于我们的管理目的。并不总是可以从我们的数据库中完全删除或删除信息。此外,我们通常不会删除您通过服务或在服务上公开发布的信息。请记住,您和 kuaijing 都无法删除之前在服务上与他人共享的所有信息副本。如果您的信息被删除,那么您的帐户可能会被停用。如果您的帐户被停用或您要求关闭您的帐户,您将无法再使用服务。








  • 我们与您保持持续关系并为您提供服务的时间长度(例如,只要您在我们这里拥有帐户或继续使用本网站);
  • 我们是否负有法律义务(例如,某些法律要求我们将您的交易记录保留一段时间,然后才能删除它们)
  • 是否建议保留;并考虑我们的法律地位(例如,诉讼时效、诉讼或监管调查)。




kuaijing 可能随时更新本隐私政策,任何更改将在发布后生效。如果我们处理您的个人信息的方式发生重大变化,我们将在本政策生效后更新本政策顶部的上次修改日期。我们也可能自行决定通过电子邮件通知您。

如何联系 kuaijing


seo.kuaijing.cn ( “kuaijing”,” we”, “our”, or “us”) respects your privacy and are committed to protecting it through our compliance with this Privacy Policy (“Policy”).

This Policy describes our practices for collecting, using, maintaining, protecting, and disclosing your information through https://seo.kuaijing.cn (our “Website”), software, platforms, and (together with the Website, the “Service” or “Services”).

A core element of our mission is our commitment to protect your personal information and to be transparent about the data we collect about you, how it is used, and with whom it is shared.

Please read this Policy carefully to understand our policies and practices regarding your information and how we will treat it. If you do not agree with our terms, your choice is not to use our Services. By accessing or using this Website, you agree to this Privacy Policy. This Policy may change from time to time (seeChanges to Our Privacy Policy). Your continued access of our Website or use of our Services after we make changes is deemed to be acceptance of those changes, so please check the Last Modified Date at the top of this Policy, to ensure that you are viewing the most current version of this Policy.

Children's Privacy

The Service is general audience and intended for users 18 and older. We do not knowingly collect Personal Information from anyone younger than age 18.

What Information Do We Collect?

We collect several types of information from you and about users of our Services, such as name and contact information when you sign up for or order our Service. Other types of information we collect is information related to how you use our platform, which helps us improve our Services.


The categories of information we collect are:

  • Personal InformationIn the course of registering on our Website, filling out a contact form, and using our Services, we may require or otherwise collect information that identifies you as a specific individual and can be used to contact or identify you (“Personal Information”). Examples of Personal Information we collect for these purposes include your full name, username, phone number, and email address.
  • Company InformationIf you use our Services in connection with an employer or business, we may ask for your business name and email address.
  • Payment InformationWe may also collect your payment information, such as credit card, billing address, and other financial information necessary to purchase or otherwise use our Services. By submitting your Payment Information, you consent to our providing your Payment Information to those Authorized Third-Party Service Providers as are reasonably necessary to support and process your transactions as well as your credit card issuer and banking institution.
  • Payment InformationWe may also collect your payment information, such as credit card, billing address, and other financial information necessary to purchase or otherwise use our Services. By submitting your Payment Information, you consent to our providing your Payment Information to those Authorized Third-Party Service Providers as are reasonably necessary to support and process your transactions as well as your credit card issuer and banking institution.
  • Audio and Video InformationYou may upload audio and video content as a data source for video generation.
  • Profile InformationWhen you create a profile, you may submit preferences related to your profile and communication preferences.
  • Non-Identifying InformationWe also may collect non-identifying or non-personal information, such as zip codes, demographic data, time zone, publicly available data, and general information regarding your use of the Service.
  • User ContributionsYou may have the ability to interact with parts of our Website, such as the ability to submit inquiries via our Contact form or to submit your own voice and video data to create your own avatar. Your feedback is published or displayed on public areas of the Website, or transmitted to other users of the Website or third parties (collectively, "User Contributions"). Your User Contributions are posted on and transmitted to others at your own risk. Although you may set certain privacy settings for such information by logging into your account profile, please be aware that no security measures are perfect or impenetrable. Additionally, we cannot control the actions of other users of the Website with whom you may choose to share your User Contributions. Therefore, we cannot and do not guarantee that your User Contributions will not be viewed or accessed by unauthorized persons. Use precaution when posting any personal information online. Please review our Terms of Use for more information about our user guidelines.

When you provide us with information in connection with a particular activity or otherwise sign up for or order our products and Services or provide your contact information to us, including your email address or telephone number in connection with that activity, product or service, you agree that such action constitutes a purchase or inquiry establishing a business relationship with us. You expressly consent to receiving communications from kuaijing through the information you provided to us. For more information on how to access and control your communication preferences, please see Your Rights and Choices Regarding Your Information, below.


As you navigate through and interact with our Website, We and our third-party service providers, including analytics and third-party content providers, may automatically collect certain information from you whenever you access or interact with the Service.

  • Usage Information Details of your visits to our Website, including which links you clicked on, content response times, location data, logs, and other similar communication data and statistics about your interactions.
  • Device Information Information about your computer and internet connection, including your Internet Protocol address, operating system, and browser type.

We may combine this automatically collected log information with other information we collect about you. We do this to improve services we offer you, analytics, and site functionality.


kuaijing and its partners use cookies or similar technologies, which store certain information on your computer and allows us to, among other things, analyze trends, administer the Website, and to gather demographic information about our user base as a whole. The technology used to collect information automatically from kuaijing Users may include the following:

  • CookiesLike many websites, we and our operational partners, affiliates, analytics, and service providers use “cookies” to collect information. A cookie is a small data file that we transfer to your computer’s hard disk for record-keeping purposes. We use both persistent cookies that remain on your computer or similar device (such as to save your registration ID and login password for future logins to the Service and to track your compliance with the kuaijing Terms of Use) and session ID cookies, which expire at the end of your browser session (for example, to enable certain features of the Service, to better understand how kuaijing Users interact with the Service and to monitor aggregate usage by kuaijing Users and web traffic routing on the Service). You can control the use of cookies at the individual browser level, but if you choose to disable cookies, it may limit your use of certain features or functionality of the Service.
  • Web BeaconsWe and our operational partners, affiliates, analytics, and service providers may also employ software technology known as “web beacons” and/or “tracking tags” to help us keep track of what content on our Service is effective and to serve relevant advertising to you. Web beacons are small graphics with a unique identifier that may be invisible to you, and which are used to track the online activity of Internet users. Web beacons are embedded in the web pages you review or email messages you receive. Web beacons or similar technologies may be used for a number of purposes, including, without limitation, to count visitors to our Service, to monitor how kuaijing Users navigate the Service, to count how many emails that were sent were actually opened, or to count how many particular articles or links were actually viewed.
  • Embedded ScriptsWe and our operational partners, affiliates, analytics, and service providers may also employ software technology known as an Embedded Script. An Embedded Script is programming code that is designed to collect information about your interactions with the Service, such as the links you click on. The code is temporarily downloaded onto your computer or other device and is deactivated or deleted when you disconnect from the Service.


We also may receive information about you from third parties. For example, we and our partners, affiliates and service providers may use a variety of other technologies (such as tags) that collect statistical data relating to your Website activity for security and fraud detection purposes.


When you connect with us through a social media platform, we may, depending on your privacy settings, receive some information from your social media account, and what we collect depends on your privacy settings with that social networking service. The Service may also allow you to “like” or share content with social networking services.

You may register to join the Service directly via the Service or by logging into your account with a third party social networking service (“SNS”) via our Service (e.g., Facebook, Twitter and other third party services that let you sign in using your existing credentials with those services). If you choose to register via an SNS, or to later link your account with the Service to your account with an SNS, we will use the Personal Information you have provided to the SNS (such as your name, email address, gender and other information you make publicly available via the SNS) to create your account. Note that the information we collect from and through an SNS may depend on the privacy settings you have set with the SNS and the permissions you grant to us in connection with linking your account with the Service to your account with an SNS. Other than what we may share with the SNS as described below, the Personal Information an SNS has about you is obtained by the SNS independent of our Service, and kuaijing is not responsible for it.


kuaijing uses third-party vendor Retargeting tracking cookies, pixels, and other technologies such as Google Ads, Facebook Custom Audience, and Hotjar, to collect data about your activities that does not personally or directly identify you when you visit our website, the website of entities for which we serve advertisements, or the websites and online services where we display advertisements. This information may include the content you view, the date and time that you view this content, the products you purchase, or your location information associated with your IP address. We use the information we collect to serve you more relevant advertisements (referred to as “Retargeting” or “Remarketing”). We collect information about where you saw the ads we serve you and what ads you clicked on to measure the success of our advertising campaigns.

If you do not wish to participate in third-party Retargeting or Remarketing, you can find out more information about how to opt-out by visiting the links below:

You can generally opt-out of receiving personalized ads from third-party advertisers and ad networks who are members of the Network Advertising Initiative (NAI) or who follow the Digital Advertising Alliance’s Self-Regulatory Principles for Online Behavioral Advertising (DAA) by visiting the opt-out pages on the NAI website (Visit Here) and DAA website (Visit Here).


Do Not Track (DNT) is a privacy preference that users can set in some web browsers, allowing users to opt out of tracking by websites and online services. We do not honor browser requests not to be tracked online (known as “Do Not Track”), but our cookie policy above describes how you can opt out of receiving cookies.

How Do We Use Your Information


  • To provide you with an Account.
  • To deliver, provide, and process payment for a product or Service you have requested.
  • To improve our Services.
  • To address your inquiries.
  • To tailor content we display to you and offer we may present to you, both on the Service and elsewhere online.
  • To administer and develop our business relationship with you and, if applicable, the corporation or other legal entity you represent.
  • To communicate and promote to you products, services, offers, and events offered by kuaijing
  • To comply with legal requirements and assist law enforcement.
  • To investigate fraud and to enforce our Terms of Use.
  • To protect the property rights of kuaijing or a third party.
  • To protect the safety of the public or any person.
  • To stop any activity we may consider to be, or to pose a risk of being, illegal, fraudulent, unethical or a legally actionable activity.
  • To identify kuaijing users.
  • For the purposes disclosed at the time you provide your information, and
  • As otherwise permitted with your consent.


To process your information as described above, we rely on the following legal bases:

  • Contractual NecessityTo provide you with the kuaijing Service and perform the contract that you have with us.
  • Legitimate Interests It is in our legitimate interests to improve and analyze our Service, promote our products, prevent fraudulent transactions, maintain security of our Services, and provide functionality.
  • Consent In instances where we ask for consent, you may way withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us. Please see the Contact Us section or more information.

How We Disclose and Share Your Information

We may share information we receive about you as follows or as otherwise described in this Privacy Policy:

  • With our service providers and network partners o We employ third party companies and individuals to provide Services on our behalf, to perform Service-related operations (e.g., without limitation, SNS login, maintenance services, database management, web analytics, payment processing, fraud detection and improvement of kuaijing’s features) or to assist us in analyzing how our Service is used. These third parties may have access to your Personal Information in order to perform these tasks on our behalf.
  • With other users We may use your information in order to enable user-to-user communications with each user's consent. If enabled, other users may be able to see information that you submit.
  • For Corporate Transactionskuaijing may share information, including Personal Information, with any current or future subsidiaries or affiliates, primarily for business and operational purposes. We may sell, transfer, or otherwise share some or all of our assets, including your Personal Information, in connection with a merger, acquisition, reorganization or sale of assets (including, in each case, as part of the due-diligence process with any potential acquiring entity) or in the event of bankruptcy.
  • When Required By Law kuaijing will share information with government agencies as required by law in response to lawful requests by public authorities, including to meet national security or law enforcement requirements and, including without limitation, in connection with reporting earnings. We cooperate with government and law enforcement officials and private parties to enforce and comply with the law. We will disclose information about you to government or law enforcement officials or private parties as we, in our sole discretion, believe necessary or appropriate to respond to claims and legal process (including but not limited to subpoenas), or, at the request of governmental authorities or other third parties conducting an investigation where we determine in our sole discretion the disclosure is necessary to (a) protect the property and rights of kuaijing or a third party, (b) protect the safety of the public or any person, or (c) prevent or stop activity we may consider to be, or pose a risk of being, illegal, fraudulent, unethical or legally actionable activity. We may also use Device Identifiers to identify kuaijing Users, and may do so in cooperation with third parties at our discretion.
  • With Your ConsentYou may submit personal information to us through a form on the Website and consent to receive communication from us or our business affiliates and non-affiliates based on the information in the form.

Your Rights and Choices Regarding Your Information

You have several ways to exercise control over your information:

  • Account SettingsRegistered kuaijing users may update their choices regarding the types of communications you receive from us through your online Account settings.
  • E-MailYou also may opt-out of receiving marketing emails from us by following the opt-out instructions provided in those emails. Please note that we reserve the right to send you certain communications relating to your account or use of the Service (for example, administrative and service announcements) via email and other means and these transactional account messages may be unaffected if you opt-out from receiving marketing communications.
  • Right to Access, Rectify (Correct), Delete, and How to Opt-OutDepending on where you are located, you may have certain rights with regard to your Personal Information. For example, under the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), European residents may contact us at support@kuaijing.cn to access, correct, update or delete your personal information; object to our processing of this information, ask us to restrict our processing of your personal information, or request portability of your personal information.
  • Upon request kuaijing will provide you with information about whether we hold any of your personal information. You are responsible for maintaining the accuracy of the information you submit to us, such as your contact information. You may access, correct, or request deletion of your personal information by making updates to that information in your Account settings or by contacting kuaijing. If you request to access all personal information you’ve submitted, we will respond to your request to access within 30 days or as otherwise required by law.
  • We will use commercially reasonable efforts to honor your requests for deletion; however, certain residual information may actively persist on the Service even if you close your account. In addition, the rights described above may be limited, for example, if fulfilling your request would reveal personal information about another person, or if you ask us to delete information we are required by law to keep or have compelling legitimate interests in keeping (such as for fraud prevention purposes). Your Personal Information may remain in our archives and information you update or delete, or information within a closed account, may persist internally for our administrative purposes, to the extent permitted by law. It is not always possible to completely remove or delete information from our databases. In addition, we typically will not remove information you posted publicly through or on the Service. Bear in mind that neither you nor kuaijing can delete all copies of information that has been previously shared with others on the Service. If your information is deleted, then your account may become deactivated. If your account is deactivated or you ask to close your account, you will no longer be able to use the Services.


We use physical, technical and organizational measures designed to protect your information against unauthorized access, theft and loss. We restrict access to your personal information to those employees who need to know that information to service your account or perform their job functions.

Although we take precautions intended to help protect information that we process, no system or electronic data transmission is completely secure. Any transmission of your personal data is at your own risk and we expect that you will use appropriate security measures to protect your personal information.

You are responsible for maintaining the security of your account and the information in your account. We may suspend your use of all or part of the Services without notice if we suspect or detect any breach of security. You understand and agree that we may deliver electronic notifications about breaches of security to the email address on record on your account.

Data Retention

Unless you request that we delete certain information (see Your Rights and Choices Regarding Your Information), We will retain your personal information for the period necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by law.

The criteria used to determine our retention periods include:

  • The length of time we have an ongoing relationship with you and provide services to you (for example, for as long as you have an account with us or keep using the Website);
  • Whether there is a legal obligation to which we are subject (for example, certain laws require us to keep records of your transactions for a certain period of time before we can delete them)
  • Whether retention is advisable; and considering our legal position (such as, for statutes of limitations, litigation or regulatory investigations).

Links to Other Sites

Our Website may include links to third-party websites and services that are not operated by us. When you click these links, you will be directed away from our Services. A link to a third-party website or service does not mean that we endorse it or the quality or accuracy of information presented on it. If you decide to visit a third-party website or service, you are subject to its privacy practices and policies, not ours. This Privacy Policy does not apply to any personal information that you provide to these other websites and services.

Changes to Our Privacy Policy

kuaijing may update this Privacy Policy at any time and any changes will be effective upon posting. In the event that there are material changes to the way we treat your Personal Information, we will update the Last Modified date at the top of this Policy upon becoming effective. We may also notify you by email, in our discretion.

How to Contact kuaijing

For questions or concerns related to this Privacy Policy, please contact us at: support@kuaijing.cn



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